Saturday, May 31, 2008


How is it possible to know about thinking and pictures of one's mind .And spread all over earth in seconds.
how is it possible to recognice some one through all over the country of 1 billion people (speacialy in urban areas).

aliens' machine

There must be a machine of aliens on earth or around earth.They can trace human mind thinking and pictures and can transmitt all over earth in seconds.Some people (speacialy in India)are in contact with aliens or their machins directly or through any mediam.They use this information to show their social strenth in the contery.They show how much they are powerful to destroy someone by social attacks.They hide the information that they have information about somone's mind through any mediam.But they can not replay that "how they get the information all 24 hours of a day up to many year(less than 10) continuously about someone's mind."