Monday, July 7, 2008

Technique that can be developed to detect UFOs

The instrument should not ony be capable upto lower rf range but also capable for detecting lowest and highest frequency that is existed in space.Any possibilities should be found that ray can be from dark matter which is spreaded in space so this type of ray will not feel any boundry in space as the other radio waves find.With this type of ray alien can appear any where on earth and we can not detect them with our instruments that are made to detect rf waves.


majorminor said...

UFO's? are you kidding me. There is nothing like that, at least nothing so far has been spotted by humans. People who report UFO's sightings almost always rely on speculation. The planets for example, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are readily visible with naked eye. Venus currently dominates the Southern sky in the Northern Hemisphere. To a casual observer, Venus might look extremely strange, because it is so bright and on a clear night, it shines without twinkling like a star, thus appearing a very strange object in the night sky. Similarly the star Sirius dominates the night sky with brilliance right below the Orion Nebula in winter months, once again appearing very strange to a casual observer, who does not know what that is. Many military aircraft are also mistaken to be UFO's. In a dark sky, away from city lights, one can always see meteor showers, the ghostly band of the Milky Way Galaxy, star clusters, Nebulae etc etc. In darkness away from city lights, the night sky is an absolute spectacle. So many objects seem to move, and many of them are actually satellites, including the International Space Station which is actually visible with naked eye from Earth as it moves in a geo-synchronous orbit. People always mistake these "moving" objects as UFO's and this is primarily due to ignorance and lack of knowledge about Astronomy. While it is interesting to think about UFO's and hopefully the government is not hiding anything, however as a lecturer you should not mislead students about things which are not substantial and not scientific, rather educate them about Astronomy and Physics and give them the tools to actually scout the night sky with the right knowledge and a stellar vision.

Assuming there are aliens and they have made it to Earth, then invariably their technology has to be far superior. They must have mastered space travel with incredible speeds, because they are definitely not in our solar system or anywhere close to our star. Unless they exist in a parallel universe, where we cannot see them, however they have the ability to move back and forth from their dimensions into ours and vis a vis. You see all of this is just speculation. While it is good to think about these things to expand your vision and to open up the brilliant brain of humans to new ideas, however if you profess this as to be an absolute truth and you claim that UFO's exist and people have seen them, then you are just engaging in junk science and misleading hundreds of your students in classrooms and everywhere else.


SuBtronic,I am trying to find out the reason behind supernatural things that happen with many people in the world.There are always things exists in this universe that are beyond explanation with our recent science development.And this condition will always exist as much we will exist in the universe.It is approximately impossible that we get all the knowledge in the universe,if we can do so that time will happiest time in the history of time itself.And this become possible if we can go through beyond time and beyond scientific clue of life.
Sorry for late responce as i am lately habitual to be a blogger.