Thursday, August 14, 2008

Possibility of moving a space-ship faster than light

New calculations by gerald cleaver a physicist at Baylor University shows that "there are 10 dimensions including length,width,hight and time.Any information can be converted into space-time domain from domens of other dimensions.And this take so much energy that is get by converting whole jupitor mass into energy .This much energy will move spaceship about 10 by 10 by 10 meter in space in space-time domain,i.e. moving faster than light.

This is fantastic idea .We should have so much nuclear power to convert whole of the mass of jupitor into energy.We should have exact calculation of amount of nuclear power needed to convert whole mass of jupitor into energy.As jupitor is made by core metallic hydrogen surrounded by a layer of liquied hydrogen and then surrounded by gaseous hydrogen and helium.Any nuclear process should start the process of hydrogen fusion on Jupitor.However this is about jupitor distruction.We are here concern with calculation of needed energy to move over spaceship faster than speed of light.This energy can be get by dark energy which constitutes 74% of our universe.Otherwise we can use energy of nuclear fusion, that energy is the multiple of energy needed from conversion of jupitor mass into energy.

This shows the possibility of making a spaceship that move into other solar systems and galaxis with speed more than light.


Anonymous said...

You write very well.


Thank you Ronalee.I try to find out accurate fact.
I am sorry,responce is late as i became slowly habitual of being a blogger.